Prologue of the XXXth edition with Huelgas Ensemble

Prologue of the XXXth edition with Huelgas Ensemble

Last week, our festival, together with the Prague Symphony Orchestra FOK, the Alamire Foundation and the Flemish Representation in the Czech Republic, prepared an extraordinary concert of the legendary Flemish vocal ensemble Huelgas Ensemble in the Church of St. Simon and Jude in Prague. For over fifty years it has been one of the most renowned ensembles specialising in the performance of polyphonic music of the Middle Ages and Renaissance. There is therefore no better musical representative to contribute to the celebration of the Flemish National Day and the 30th anniversary of the opening of diplomatic relations between Flanders and our country by presenting the gems of Renaissance vocal polyphony.

The congratulatory concert took place on Tuesday 25 June and was also a prologue to the next edition of our festival: in 2025 we will also celebrate 30 years. The jubilee edition will be dedicated to early music with a special focus on the phenomenon of Flemish Renaissance polyphony; its dramaturgy will be taken over by our favourite Jelle Dierickx, who is also the author of the apt “round” title Rondo festivo. But we will reveal more when we close this year’s concert on Wednesday 10/7 with a concert by our patron Magdalena Kožená in Brno’s Beseda House… by the way: have you bought your ticket yet?

Reflection on the Prague concert of Huelgas Ensemble can be found HERE.
Or you can make your own opinion: listen to the whole concert with Lucie Hradilova’s engaging commentary in the recording of the Vltava radio station HERE.

Photo: Majda Slámová